When I saw this video randomly pop up on my "Recommended" YouTube feed I had to watch. It has three of my favorite Christian thinkers all in the same room! Tim Mackie is the cofounder of the Bible Project, one of the best bible resources around right now. John Mark Comer is an incredibly smart and perceptive author, and until recently was the teaching pastor at Bridgetown Church but has now started Practicing the Way to create discipleship resources. And Pete Grieg is the founder of 24/7 Prayer and is one of the closest things we have to a living prayer guru. I don't know Christine Caine or Tyler Staton as well, but everything I have seen of them is good too.
They were brought together to have a talk about prayer to promote and supplement Staton's new book on prayer called Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools (which I have not read). In their discussion they touch on a variety of sub-topics such as:
how the bible speaks of prayer as experiencing paradise
times of day to pray
how to pray through hard times and trust God's promises
how to sustain a prayer life while being busy
These five people are each very seasoned pray-ers, so don't let this video make you feel guilty or inferior if your prayer life isn't as thriving. Let their expertise inspire you and give you a vision for the possibilities of prayer! With time, practice, and God's help prayer could be as regular and nourishing to you as it is to them.