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Brian Sauvé's "Dear Ladies" Twitter Post

This week's Twitter storm has revolved around a post made by a pastor named Brian Sauvé, telling woman not to post pictures of themselves in any revealing clothing. The response - at least as far as I've seen - has been resoundingly negative. Woman all over Twitter gave him a beating - and you can see many of their responses by searching "#DearBrian" on Twitter.

As a guy I know relatively little about the Christian modesty discussion. Every once in a while the topic comes up on Twitter and I try to take those opportunities to learn. Many Christian women who talk about receiving negative and shame-inducing messages regarding modesty say they received those messages in youth group. As a youth pastor I would hate to see that happen in my ministry.

I don't follow her too closely, but someone I have found helpful when I have looked into the topic is Sheila Wray Gregoire.

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